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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Collage #11

Collage #11 copyright sean lewis 2010

More collage work.
I made the piece below out of old medical bills. I don't love it, but thought I'l share this new product I used to make it.
Yes! Paste. With the collage work I've been doing lately, I've had trouble finding the right adhesive. Glues make paper bubble and glue stick doesn't seem to last. I asked at the Pratt art store and they reccomended this paste. You brush it on and it sticks for good! No bubbles and it's archival. Yay.

Collage #10 copyright sean lewis 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fun times at Floyd Bennett

My friend Jeanette, and I toured some buildings at Floyd Bennet Field yesterday. There are many cool places to explore there. Every time I go, it feels like the place doubles in size. My suggestions for anyone planning a visit: Get lost, get into any building you can find access to, watch out for squatters!
Here are some pieces I've been working on that began at Floyd Bennett.

Floyd Bennett Ceiling Tile #2 copy right sean lewis 2010

Floyd Bennett #1 copyright sean lewis 2010

Floyd Bennett #2 copyright Sean Lewis 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Collage #9

I'm really into collage lately.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Collage #8

Looking through old snapshots. Photo and double. Original color. I think thats Lizzy.
Collage #7

Monday, May 3, 2010

Installation #8

Our final installation on the road trip! This one, built in the Mt Hood National Forrest in Oregon was a tribute to moss. Our hike along the Salmon River was amazing. Everything was covered with a thick layer of moss. We scraped away the moss on this fallen tree in a spiral pattern. We wanted the installation to be noticable from the trail, but not to stand out too much.

Reflections on the installations:

I am so happy we chose to build the art installations on this trip. It was a good way to keep producing art while traveling. While hiking, we would often come upon places that we just wanted to spend some more time with. It was easy then to find the right locations. Geoffrey and I would consider what inspired us about the locations and then investigate the materials surrounding us in order to determine what the installation would be. We normally did not spend more than 3 hours on any installation and usually took less time. Normally, I would try to spend more time on a project, but I think this was a good way to start out. In the future, I plan to build more installations and would like to further explore urban installations. I plan to continue using only free/found materials and hope to develop an aesthetic that is dissimilar to current graffiti/installation art in New York.

Installation #7

Big Sur was one of the most amazing places we saw on our trip (check out out campsite video here). Driving along the edge of cliffs on Highway 1 was what inspired installation #7. The sculpture is essentially a driftwood highway the hugs the cliff as it winds down to the beach.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Face Collage

I became a bit lazy about blogging towards the end of my roadtrip, but I am back in NY now! There are a few more installations I need to post, but first, a collage of Angelina Jolie's face!